Saturday, 14 December 2013

Starting over? Ways to wear a teeny weeny 'fro (twa)/low cut

When dealing with damaged hair, sometimes, it is best to start afresh... from the beginning. I have received a number of emails from women who tired of trying to mask and hide breakage decided to cut it all off and start again. While cutting your hair short can be scary for some, a lot of women have found it to be quite liberating. For those who for whatever reason have decided to take the plunge here are a few ways to rock a twa... Starting with the infinitely beautiful Lupita Nyong'o


Flawless makeup, Bold colors, perfectly arched brows and a great pair of earrings!

Have fun with color. 
To prevent breakage try natural dyes like henna or peroxide free temporary dyes.

      Photo: Preface agency

Using a rattail comb and some gel or beeswax, add texture to your hair with comb coils

Last but by no means the least: Pull out your favorite ankara scarf and wrap it up.

Is your hair short? What are your favorite ways to wear a twa (or 'low cut' as some of us call it ;) ? Let us know in the comments.

Here is to new beginnings as the year draws to a close and we head into potentially amazing year. 

Have a great weekend lovelies!


Thursday, 14 November 2013

Winterproof (harmattan proof) your hair

If you are on a hair journey and happen to be in North America/Europe or West Africa, this is battle season! In the former the cold dry winter is fast approaching and in the latter, the harmattan winds are slowly but surely making way to your shores! These seasons are characterized by dryness that can wreak havoc on your tresses. You haven't retained your length all these months to have your hair dry out and break off due to the weather. Here are 5 ways to help your hair beat the dryness:

- Deep condition
Be sure to deep condition your hair once a week during this season. Deep conditioning helps retain
water within the shaft of your hair where it is most needed to keep the hair supple and less likely to snap when manipulated.

- Moisturize and seal
Moisturizing and sealing is crucial. The harmattan winds will dry out your hair
in a matter of minutes if you do not properly seal in your moisture with an oil. Every night
I use a spray bottle to slightly dampen my hair, apply some moisturizer (currently using Qhemets biologics amla and olive cream) then seal with olive oil.

- Protect
Protecting your hair will limit exposure to the dry weather and reduce manipulation
which is a key cause of breakage. I would typically wear my hair in a bun, flat twists
or a wig. At night, I tie my head in a silk/satin scarf before going to bed.

My sister and I protective styling with flat twists

- Diet
Incorporate seafood, nuts, beans, poultry and green veggies in your diet to ensure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs to create strong healthy strands.

- TLC when manipulating
When manipulating your hair whether combing, twisting, washing etc be sure to treat your hair like you will treat a fine silk blouse. Use a wide tooth comb and make sure to detangle gently.

Goodluck getting through 'battle' season. Have you winter/harmattan proofed your regimen? What changes will you be making to your regimen this season?


Thursday, 27 June 2013

Hair style trends - Summer 2013

This summer's hair trends include plaits, deep side parts, undercuts, 'fros and lots of color. Get some summer hair inspiration from these celebs:

Trend #1 - Plaits: Messy braids and flat twists

This summer, stave away the heat by putting your hair up in casual but stylish plaits. Kourtney Kardashian and Nicole Ritchie have theirs up in braided updos while beyonce wears hers in a long and loose side braid

Trend #2 - The undercut

Get an undercut to add style and edginess to your look. Below Rihanna, Rosario Dawson and Cassie show you how to rock an undercut. Afraid of the commitment? Fake it with a deep side part (Trend #3)

Trend #3 - Deep side part

The deep side part is a less extreme take on the undercut. Khloe Kardashian combines 2 trends (plaits and an extreme part) for a flawless finish. Beyonce adds emphasis with color and voluminous curls and Kerry Washington keeps it smooth and sleek in a low bun.

Trend #4 - Ombre hair:

Rocking the Ombre hair trend is a great way to go lighter this summer. Try Ciara's high contrast ombre look or go for more subtle transitions like Kelly Rowland and Lala Vasquez

Trend #5 - Natural hair/Big curly modern 'fros

The natural hair movement is here to stay and with it come these fierce and fab 'fros. Rita Dominic wears hers with a side part, Folake Huntoon wears hers in a halo of beautiful curls and coils while Kelly opts for longer lengths and a center part.

Trend #6 - Go red

Turn up the heat with some color. Red to be specific. Subtle reds, fierce bold reds, highlights or an ombre look are great ways to wear this trend.

Stay stylish with any of these looks or a combination of them. Enjoy the weather, have fun, laugh, love and stay hydrated!


Thursday, 20 June 2013

Pregnancy and your hair - Dealing with postpartum hair loss


Postpartum hair loss...Some of you may have experienced this. While you were pregnant, your hair was thick, luscious, beautiful. Then, your bundle of joy arrived and all that beautiful thick hair went down the drain... literarily. Your hair started coming out in clumps, you started seeing thinning areas, bald patches. You are not the alone, according to the APA reports, postpartum hair loss occurs in 40 to 50% of women.

What causes postpartum hair loss:
Hair has 3 stages of growth. The first phase is the growth phase, where your hair is actually growing and increasing in length. The second phase is the catagen phase, this is the transitional phase where the hair follicle begins to shrink. The last phase is the resting phase, in this phase the hair stops growing and remains at the same length. This resting strand is eventually pushed out as a new strand starts to grow out resulting in normal 'shedding'. During pregnancy, high oestrogen levels cause more strands to stay in the anagen phase (growth phase) as a result you have significantly less shedding than normal and beautiful, thick hair. But of course, all good things must come to an end, when you eventually give birth and your oestrogen levels drop, the hairs that were in a prolonged anagen stage begin to fall out resulting in the 'excessive' shedding known as postpartum hair loss.

How Long does it last:
Postpartum hair loss starts from about 3 months after child birth and can last for anywhere from 2 to 12 months.

How to prevent postpartum hair loss:
Postpartum hair loss varies from person to person and even with the same person, it varies from pregnancy to pregnancy. There is no way to prevent it. However, taking prenatal vitamins, garlic supplements and biotin supplements which promote hair growth and healthy follicles may help. Avoid styles that put a lot of tension on your scalp, this could aggravate the problem. Get creative and opt for styles that make the problem less noticeable.

Will your hair ever grow back?
Yes, postpartum hair loss is temporary. By the time it's time to celebrate your child's first birthday your hair should be back to its pre pregnancy state. If you are experiencing postpartum hairloss for an extended period of time, see your doctor. Get tested for postpartum thyroiditis: A thyroid problem that often occurs after pregnancy which may among other things cause excessive hair loss in women.

Get tested for thyroiditis

For most of us, it can be difficult to deal with hairloss along with all the other changes that come with pregnancy. However, just hang in there and give your body time to do what it does and recover from the total body experience that is pregnancy.

What has your experience been with postpartum hair loss? Are you one of the lucky 50 to 60 percent who don't experience this? If you aren't, how did you cope with it and how long did it last? Tell us in the comments below.


Friday, 14 June 2013

My hair this week - 1 style, 3 Looks.

When I am not protective styling with weaves or wigs, I am protective styling with cornrows and twists. Last week I wore my hair in 2 flat twists... then a twist out... then a bun! All heat free. See pics below:

Day one - Flat twists



Day four - Flat twist out

Day Six - Messy bun

Really quick, simple, versatile and the best part... Heat free!

How did you wear your hair last week?

Monday, 10 June 2013

The WeavePlace brazilian hair giveaway

Two weeks ago, we hosted a generous giveaway sponsored by: The weave place. They offered the lucky winner two 4oz bundles of their luxury virgin brazilian hair extensions. A random draw was held yesterday to determine the winner and... the results are in. The winner is:

Nkechi Opurum!!!

Congratulations on your win Nkechi. Enjoy your luxury brazilian hair extensions, guaranteed to keep you looking fabulous while protective styling!

I would like say a big thank you to everyone who participated. The response was amazing. For those who didn't win, don't worry, there are many more giveaways on the horizon. In the meantime, for all your hair extensions needs, head over to The Weave place:


Have a spectacular week!


Monday, 3 June 2013

Lye relaxers versus No lye relaxers

The decision on what relaxer to use is a very important albeit confusing one. When on a healthy hair journey, relaxer day is one of the most nerve racking days. One bad relaxer can set you back weeks, months or even years! So it is important to proceed with caution.

Most relaxers contain either of these 2 active ingredients: Sodium hydroxide (Lye) or Calcium hydroxide (No lye). Lye relaxers usually come in a jar and don't require any mixing while no lye relaxers usually come in a kit with the relaxer, activator and other accessories. Both active ingredients work by breaking down the bonds of the hair. The key difference is the effect on the hair and scalp.

Lye relaxers:

Lye relaxers can be quite harsh on the scalp so if your scalp is sensitive, this may not be the best option for you. They also tend to process the hair faster which is great because it means that you don't have to leave the relaxer on as long as you would a no lye relaxer to get the same results. The major advantage of lye relaxers is the fact that it is much gentler on your hair than no lye relaxers. You hair is better able to absorb and retain moisture when you use a lye relaxer and is therefore healthier, stronger and less likely to break.

No Lye relaxers:

No lye relaxers have calcium hydroxide as the active ingredient. They are gentler on the scalp than lye relaxers but significantly harsher on the hair. No lye relaxers leave calcium deposits on the hair which prevents your hair from absorbing and retaining moisture properly. This leaves your hair dry and susceptible to breakage. To combat this, use a good clarifying shampoo regularly if you relax with a no lye relaxer. The clarifying shampoo will help remove the calcium buildup. However, in the process of removing the calcium deposits, it also strips and removes other nutrients from your hair so be sure to replenish by deep conditioning after clarifying.

As is often the case with hair care, there isn't a generic right or wrong answer to the question of whether to use lye or no lye. It really just boils down to the individual. The sensitivity of your scalp, how well your hair takes to relaxers, what your preferred outcome is (bone straight or texlaxed) etc.

I prefer to use a lye relaxer because even though my scalp is sensitive, I like to under process my hair (texlax). So I typically wash off the relaxer immediately after applying (and before it has had a chance to wreak havoc on my scalp). This way, I don't have any burns or irritation from using a lye relaxer, I avoid overprocessing my hair and I also avoid having to deal with dryness from the no lye relaxer.

Since we are talking relaxers, I'll leave you with these quick tips on how to ensure that relaxer day goes smoothly:
- Do not over lap relaxers (apply ONLY to new growth)
- It is okay to change relaxers (as far as your adher to #1 above) but once you find one that you like, it is recommended that you stick to it.
- Always make sure your hair is well detangled before relaxing
- Always wait at least a week after washing  to relax your hair.

Thoughts, comments, suggestions? Let me know in the comments below.


Friday, 31 May 2013

Virgin hair give away is now closed....

Hi Everyone,

The Virgin hair giveaway is now closed! Many thanks to everyone who participated. The response was awesome and we are now tallying the results. We are hoping to get through everything by next week and the winner will be announced then.

Thanks again for your interest and accept my apologies for the recent inactivity on the blog. I have been super duper busy. However, I am striving to change my ways, busy or not, blog posts MUST go up!

Have an awesome weekend!

Love y'all!

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Tailbone length... for 5 mins!

Hi Everyone,

Back in February I had a major setback due to neglect and relaxer burns which I discussed here. Since this setback I have been protective styling. This weekend, I finally braved it and decided to assess the damage and get a good trim so I went to Salon Tamika Bell. Tamika Bell is not your average stylist. She focuses on healthy hair makeovers, she spent a good hour just detangling my hair! She deep conditioned, blow dried and flat ironed... and I fell asleep! Now, that is trust. I NEVER fall asleep in a stylist's chair. I am usually awake, alert and ready to sprint out of the chair if I suspect any foul play! Anyway, when she was done, she combed down my hair and informed me that I was at tailbone length! Woo hoo! But not for long, the damage from my last relaxer was apparent in how thin my ends were. So she cut off about 4 inches. I definitely need to cut off more but we decided to do it gradually.

Tailbone length

Back to midback and still more inches to trim

If you happen to be in the Atlanta area stop by Salon Tamika Bell. With a portfolio like this, what's not to like.  See more of her healthy hair makeovers here

Now, if only I could bring her back to Lagos with me...

Have a great weekend everyone!


Saturday, 18 May 2013

Hair care for kids

With children's day right around the corner, I thought a post on how to care for our little ones' hair would be in order. Here goes:

1. Cleansing:
Depending on your lifestyle and the length and thickness of your daughters hair, you should plan to wash their hair once every week or two. When washing, focus on cleaning the scalp. The hair will get cleaned as the shampoo runs down the shaft when being rinsed out.


2. Conditioning:
Please do not skip this step and for those of you who have someone else wash and condition your kids' hair be sure to insist that this step is NOT skipped (I am stressing this because ALOT of kid hair braiders in Lagos do not understand the importance of conditioning!). Insist also that conditioner is applied lavishly not sparingly. This will help retain moisture and aid the next step: Detangling.

3. Detangle:
This is the step that is dreaded by lots of kids. The pulling, tugging, yanking etc. However, with the right products (moisturizing and detangling conditioner), the right technique (detangling in sections while saturated with conditioner) and the right tools (wide tooth comb, detangling brush) this step can be a lot easier that is often anticipated.

4. Styling:
Most mums opt for protective/low manipulation styles like twists, cornrows, buns etc for kids. This option is a lot easier on kids and parents as they do not have to deal with styling on a daily basis plus there are lots of cute styles to try out on your little one. It is also a good way to reduce manipulation and promote length retention.

Protective/Low manipulation style - cornrows

Length retention

5. Moisturizing:
This will not be a hair care post without me stressing the importance of moisturizing. Moisturize 3 to 5 times a week by lightly misting the hair with your favorite water based moisturizer. you can use a mixture of water and glycerin, water and aloe vera juice, a water based leave in conditioner, just water etc Apply some olive or coconut oil afterwards to seal in the moisture.

Spray bottle


It breaks my heart to see kids with damaged hairlines. Follow these steps to prevent this:

- Do not braid or cornrow too tight, too small or too heavy. Caution your daughters braider very strongly about this. Note that the effects of braiding hair too tight can be irreversible so it is IMPORTANT that we get this right!!!
- Do not brush edges aggressively. 
- Manipulate and detangle gently
- Moisturize. Remember that dry hair is brittle and more prone to breakage.

And lastly, I'll leave you with pictures of cutie pattooties from around the globe:

Their mama probably goes through a bottle of conditioner every  week!

Afro puffs to end all afro puffs

God bless the children

Locs anyone?

'Love'ly design

Beautiful Afro

Two strand twisted cutie

I'm cute and I know it!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Peace, love and light!

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

It's giveaway time!!! Free brazilian/peruvian hair from

Hi Everyone,

Sorry for the lack of posts. I've been sooo busy. However, I do have a couple of posts scheduled to be up by the end of the week so look out for them...

In the meantime, I have some exciting news. The weave place has offered to sponsor a giveaway on my blog. The winner gets a full head (Two 114g bundles) of virgin peruvian or brazilian hair!!!

Peruvian hair giveaway - Theweaveplace

The rules for qualification are very simple:

1. Like The weavePlace's facebook page. Just go to the link below and click on "like" to like the page

2. Like my Facebook page. Just go to the link below and click on "like" to like the page

The giveaway will last for 2 weeks after which the winner will be randomly selected. So make sure to enter by liking both pages and remember to tell your friends or anyone you think may be interested in rocking some new hurr!

Love y'all

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Head wraps and scarves for Spring/Summer 2013

This season, scarves and head wraps featured heavily on the runway: 

It's finally getting warmer, flowers are blooming. Time to invest in colorful head wraps, scarves, bold colored lipsticks and statement jewelry and enjoy the outdoors: strolls in the park, family get togethers, picnics.... and it doesn't hurt that your hair is protected underneath! Here are some pictures to inspire you. Enjoy! 


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