Thursday, 4 October 2012

Relaxer update - Waistlength

So I finally got my relaxer. After stretching for a whooping 8 months! Ok, I didn't set out to stretch for 8 months. I was just too busy (read lazy :-) to relax my hair so I resorted to wearing protective styles the whole time. Mostly Cornrows (underneath a wig) and buns. It was really easy. If you wear your hair out often I don't recommend stretching for more than 3 months. It could cause a lot of breakage if you do. So, here is what my hair looked like after relaxing and flat ironing it:

It's still at waist length because it grew about 4 inches and i trimmed of the same amount because my ends were so scraggly and uneven. I recorded a youtube hair update video. Click here to watch it.


Stretching my relaxer.... 8 months!

Ok, so I have not relaxed my hair in about 8 months. It hasn't been that difficult considering the fact that I have been protective styling and haven't actually worn my hair out in the entire 8 months. I recently took out the cornrows I'd been wearing for about 3 weeks and came face to face with  4 inches of thick, coarse, kinky new growth.

I plan to get my relaxer this week. In the meantime I am wearing mostly buns. I have to keep manipulation as low as possible because  the line of demarcation (where the new growth meets the relaxed growth) is susceptible to breakage. Here are some styles I am wearing:

My high bun

Front flat twists and bun

Excuse the poor lighting and lack of what can I say, it was a lazy Sunday afternoon...



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