Saturday, 10 September 2016

Healthy hair trends for Fall 2016

Summer is almost over and as the leaves start falling and the temperature drops, those of us on a healthy hair journey know it's time to start rocking those protective styles that tuck in our ends and keep them safe and unaffected by the wind and cold.

Here are some semi protective hairstyles that are trending this season.

Top knots and low buns:

Buns, puffs and top knots are go to styles for naturals and relaxed girls alike. Particularly those who want to protect their ends from the elements while looking put together and stylish. Here are two quick and easy styles in this category:

Nicole Melton's top knot
Click here to see a tutorial on Nicole Melton's stunning natural hair top knot

My natural sista's Low faux bun

 For a step by step tutorial on how to achieve "My Natural Sista's" classic bun, click here 

Braids and senegalese twists:

Even though braids are not fully protective as your ends are not covered, they are considered a low manipulation style. The lack of a need to comb, brush, pull, tug and otherwise manipulate the hair helps prevent the ends from being ripped, drying out and ultimately breaking off.

Box Braids
Sengalese twists

Box braids and senegalese twists are perfect for the fall, especially for those of you who are busy with school/work/kids and want to significantly cut down your daily hair styling time.

Wigs and Weaves:

Last but certainly not the least are wigs and weaves.  These options when applied properly can help protect your hair, minimize breakage and maximize length retention. You can go with a texture that is close to your natural hair or opt for something a little more dramatic.

Jessica opts for a sleek, straight bob
Brandy wears a natural hair textured wig

There are many variations of the styles listed. By playing with length, colour and accessories the possibilities are endless. So go ahead, pick a style, make it yours and head into Fall 2016 in style!

Saturday, 31 May 2014

Gain 1 inch in 1 week... The Inversion method

Hi Ladies!

We've heard about a host of the growth aids that are out there. The oral supplements (msm, biotin, hairfinity), topical options (Castor oil, essential oils like rosemary, lavender and sage), exercising, increasing your water intake, scalp massages etc. Well, just when you thought you knew it all, here comes another way to speed up hair growth: The inversion method.

As part of my fitness journey I took up yoga classes. Last week, we attempted a hand stand (Lets not go into how woeful my attempt was) and as is typical when a new pose is introduced, my instructor reeled out a list of benefits of the hand stand including its ability to increase hair growth by up to 1 inch in a week! Wait. What? Of course, this piqued my interest, so I got home and promptly started my research.

Here is how it works:

- Heat up a little bit of your preferred hair oil: Lots of people have had good results with olive, coconut or castor oil

- Apply to your scalp and massage for 2 mins

Massage the oil into your scalp for 2  mins

- Stand or sit in a position that inverts your head for 4 mins.

You can bend forward over your kitchen sink, stand in a down ward facing dog position, seat on the edge of a chair and bend forward... Whatever is most comfortable for you. Bearing in mind that you have to hold the position for 4 mins.

Stay in an inverted position for 4 minutes

- When straightening up make sure to do so slowly to avoid feeling light headed or dizzy.

- Repeat once a day for 7 days

Additional info:
-  The inversion method works by increasing blood circulation to the head and scalp which results in the availability of more nutrients to the follicles thereby stimulating growth

- Wait 3 weeks between each inversion period to prevent your body from  getting used to the increased circulation as this will decrease your results.

Inversion results from the blogosphere:

Simplyshanelly on instagram


Dessy GT on youtube:

See her video below

I am not sure how I feel about hanging upside down for 4 minutes but I do plan to try the inversion method in a few weeks. Will you try this method? What other grow aids are you using and what have your results been. Let me know in the comments below...


Sunday, 18 May 2014

I did it... I big chopped!

My initial plan was to transition for 2 years. I got to15 months and just couldn't deal with the two textures any more. So this morning, I grabbed a pair of scissors, stood in front of my bathroom mirror and chopped off the relaxed hair! I am now fully natural and loving it... I think.

Check out this 'fro...



I am now working on a new power regimen because I need this hair to grow back... fast! I am super excited to be natural though. I have a nagging feeling that this is going to be fun!


Saturday, 17 May 2014

Transitioning to natural

Hi Ladies!

I know it's been a while. In fact, I think this is my first post of the year (not good)... so happy new year! I hope you are doing well, staving off those hair journey set backs and seeing some length :)

Sooo like the subject says: I am transitioning to natural. For a number of reasons but primarily because in addition to the fact that I am just plain tired of getting these relaxers I have over the years come to appreciate the aesthetics and versatility of natural hair. The texture, volume, ability to wear both straight styles and natural hair styles, the elasticity and general health.  I haven't been natural since I was 16 and I'm really eager to experience and explore my natural texture.

My last relaxer was in february last year so I'm now 15 months post relaxer. I already 'trimmed' about 6 inches off thanks to damage I experienced due to the viciousness that was this winter's 'Arctic vortex'! Granted I was a bit negligent however, I tend to go through periods of negligence where I am not moisturizing my hair as frequently as I should and while I got away with it in Nigeria, apparently, the Canadian winter is no where near as tolerant. #lessonlearned

Being that I am just not a short hair person, my initial plan was to transition for 2 years and gradually trim off the relaxed hair but I'm currently at 7 inches of new growth, tired of dealing with the two textures and just about ready to big chop!

Transitioning: 11 months post relaxer.

I plan to 'big chop' (is it still a big chop if you transition for a year??) this weekend! This is about to be the beginning of a whole 'nother hair journey to waist length...

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Starting over? Ways to wear a teeny weeny 'fro (twa)/low cut

When dealing with damaged hair, sometimes, it is best to start afresh... from the beginning. I have received a number of emails from women who tired of trying to mask and hide breakage decided to cut it all off and start again. While cutting your hair short can be scary for some, a lot of women have found it to be quite liberating. For those who for whatever reason have decided to take the plunge here are a few ways to rock a twa... Starting with the infinitely beautiful Lupita Nyong'o


Flawless makeup, Bold colors, perfectly arched brows and a great pair of earrings!

Have fun with color. 
To prevent breakage try natural dyes like henna or peroxide free temporary dyes.

      Photo: Preface agency

Using a rattail comb and some gel or beeswax, add texture to your hair with comb coils

Last but by no means the least: Pull out your favorite ankara scarf and wrap it up.

Is your hair short? What are your favorite ways to wear a twa (or 'low cut' as some of us call it ;) ? Let us know in the comments.

Here is to new beginnings as the year draws to a close and we head into potentially amazing year. 

Have a great weekend lovelies!


Thursday, 14 November 2013

Winterproof (harmattan proof) your hair

If you are on a hair journey and happen to be in North America/Europe or West Africa, this is battle season! In the former the cold dry winter is fast approaching and in the latter, the harmattan winds are slowly but surely making way to your shores! These seasons are characterized by dryness that can wreak havoc on your tresses. You haven't retained your length all these months to have your hair dry out and break off due to the weather. Here are 5 ways to help your hair beat the dryness:

- Deep condition
Be sure to deep condition your hair once a week during this season. Deep conditioning helps retain
water within the shaft of your hair where it is most needed to keep the hair supple and less likely to snap when manipulated.

- Moisturize and seal
Moisturizing and sealing is crucial. The harmattan winds will dry out your hair
in a matter of minutes if you do not properly seal in your moisture with an oil. Every night
I use a spray bottle to slightly dampen my hair, apply some moisturizer (currently using Qhemets biologics amla and olive cream) then seal with olive oil.

- Protect
Protecting your hair will limit exposure to the dry weather and reduce manipulation
which is a key cause of breakage. I would typically wear my hair in a bun, flat twists
or a wig. At night, I tie my head in a silk/satin scarf before going to bed.

My sister and I protective styling with flat twists

- Diet
Incorporate seafood, nuts, beans, poultry and green veggies in your diet to ensure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs to create strong healthy strands.

- TLC when manipulating
When manipulating your hair whether combing, twisting, washing etc be sure to treat your hair like you will treat a fine silk blouse. Use a wide tooth comb and make sure to detangle gently.

Goodluck getting through 'battle' season. Have you winter/harmattan proofed your regimen? What changes will you be making to your regimen this season?


Thursday, 27 June 2013

Hair style trends - Summer 2013

This summer's hair trends include plaits, deep side parts, undercuts, 'fros and lots of color. Get some summer hair inspiration from these celebs:

Trend #1 - Plaits: Messy braids and flat twists

This summer, stave away the heat by putting your hair up in casual but stylish plaits. Kourtney Kardashian and Nicole Ritchie have theirs up in braided updos while beyonce wears hers in a long and loose side braid

Trend #2 - The undercut

Get an undercut to add style and edginess to your look. Below Rihanna, Rosario Dawson and Cassie show you how to rock an undercut. Afraid of the commitment? Fake it with a deep side part (Trend #3)

Trend #3 - Deep side part

The deep side part is a less extreme take on the undercut. Khloe Kardashian combines 2 trends (plaits and an extreme part) for a flawless finish. Beyonce adds emphasis with color and voluminous curls and Kerry Washington keeps it smooth and sleek in a low bun.

Trend #4 - Ombre hair:

Rocking the Ombre hair trend is a great way to go lighter this summer. Try Ciara's high contrast ombre look or go for more subtle transitions like Kelly Rowland and Lala Vasquez

Trend #5 - Natural hair/Big curly modern 'fros

The natural hair movement is here to stay and with it come these fierce and fab 'fros. Rita Dominic wears hers with a side part, Folake Huntoon wears hers in a halo of beautiful curls and coils while Kelly opts for longer lengths and a center part.

Trend #6 - Go red

Turn up the heat with some color. Red to be specific. Subtle reds, fierce bold reds, highlights or an ombre look are great ways to wear this trend.

Stay stylish with any of these looks or a combination of them. Enjoy the weather, have fun, laugh, love and stay hydrated!



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