Saturday 17 May 2014

Transitioning to natural

Hi Ladies!

I know it's been a while. In fact, I think this is my first post of the year (not good)... so happy new year! I hope you are doing well, staving off those hair journey set backs and seeing some length :)

Sooo like the subject says: I am transitioning to natural. For a number of reasons but primarily because in addition to the fact that I am just plain tired of getting these relaxers I have over the years come to appreciate the aesthetics and versatility of natural hair. The texture, volume, ability to wear both straight styles and natural hair styles, the elasticity and general health.  I haven't been natural since I was 16 and I'm really eager to experience and explore my natural texture.

My last relaxer was in february last year so I'm now 15 months post relaxer. I already 'trimmed' about 6 inches off thanks to damage I experienced due to the viciousness that was this winter's 'Arctic vortex'! Granted I was a bit negligent however, I tend to go through periods of negligence where I am not moisturizing my hair as frequently as I should and while I got away with it in Nigeria, apparently, the Canadian winter is no where near as tolerant. #lessonlearned

Being that I am just not a short hair person, my initial plan was to transition for 2 years and gradually trim off the relaxed hair but I'm currently at 7 inches of new growth, tired of dealing with the two textures and just about ready to big chop!

Transitioning: 11 months post relaxer.

I plan to 'big chop' (is it still a big chop if you transition for a year??) this weekend! This is about to be the beginning of a whole 'nother hair journey to waist length...


  1. I'm with you :) next month makes it a whole year I've been natural and I'm glad to see that you're updating again! I've kinda been negligent with moisturizing as well and being a Florida girl I should know to keep my scalp moisturized because that Sun is something fierce lol. I've had weaved twist (Marley braids) in my hair since November of last year its kept me from getting into my hair and having it break off, they've stayed fresh looking but I'm ready to take them out to let my hair breathe. Can't wait to see your next post :) keep doing what you're doing you've been a great help in this journey

    1. Thanks Lisa! 'Glad you find it helpful. Yeah, protective styles are great. In addition to keeping you from getting in your hair, isn't it great to not have to spend all that extra time styling your hair every morning? I know I could use the extra sleep!

  2. Awwww, i actually thought you were natural, i found you on Bella Naija and you were one of the reasons i went natural, plus the relaxer messed up my hair. I hope it grows back very soon. Btw i would be a yr in July.
    I would highly appreciate if you check out my blog

  3. Nope, I've been relaxed for ages. I did check out your blog. Very nice and I love your hair!

  4. I'm not happy with u.....lemme tell u now. U disappeared only to come back and tell us u're going natural..mtchew! Haba! Why? To think that I started this HHJ after I saw u on bellanaija. I'm so heartbroken :( :( :( :(

  5. Wow! So happy you're back.

  6. Welcome back............

  7. OMG! I'm just four months into my relaxed hair journey and now i see you are going natural! Noooooo *sobs

  8. I started losing my hair since I was 18 years old. Gradually balding, by the age of 23. This had devastating effect on my self-esteem and on many aspects of my everyday life. At that time one of my true friend suggested me an online platform for hair restoration. I visited it and recently my surgery is scheduled in next month.

  9. OMG!!! Hi! I have not been on your blog since early 2013 when you motivated me to grow my relaxed hair to 14inches. Last year, I decided to go natural and just now found the link to your blog in my bookmarks and saw that you went natural too. I am in the 7th month of transitioning and my hair texture looks exactly like yours. Plssssssss post more because I will definitely need some help on this journey lol. Planning to 'big chop' in 5months. HELP!!

  10. I really love your write-ups guys continue the good hair chalk

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