Thursday, 4 October 2012

Relaxer update - Waistlength

So I finally got my relaxer. After stretching for a whooping 8 months! Ok, I didn't set out to stretch for 8 months. I was just too busy (read lazy :-) to relax my hair so I resorted to wearing protective styles the whole time. Mostly Cornrows (underneath a wig) and buns. It was really easy. If you wear your hair out often I don't recommend stretching for more than 3 months. It could cause a lot of breakage if you do. So, here is what my hair looked like after relaxing and flat ironing it:

It's still at waist length because it grew about 4 inches and i trimmed of the same amount because my ends were so scraggly and uneven. I recorded a youtube hair update video. Click here to watch it.



  1. Biko can u list the products u use for your hair and also ur routine.tanx in advance.Am transitioning to natural hair at the moment,my hair has been relaxer free for about 8 months now. U can go to, to see many hair styles u can try out with your hair!

  2. my dear as i was goin thru ur blog i found my hand on my hair takin out d elastic band i used to hold it.i noticed when i take it out so much of my hair comes goin on dis journey..thnks for d encouragement

  3. Thanks for sharing this post its all information is really helpful for me and other users.

    Malaysian Curly Hair



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